EMDR Therapy - Healing and Transforming Trauma

Has traditional talk therapy not provided the relief you’ve been looking for? Do you find it challenging to overcome persistent anxiety? Is past trauma impacting your daily life?

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) Therapy is an evidence-based and research proven method to treat the impact of trauma or other impactful experiences. EMDR is an approach that considers both your mind and body, leading you to a place of healing and discovering your inner-strength.

What is the Background of EMDR?

Our memories form intricate webs of thoughts, emotions, sensations, and beliefs. Typically, when we encounter a distressing event, our brain undergoes a process of assimilating and incorporating the memory into our larger network of experiences. This integration enables us to learn and adapt from the encounter.

Challenging life experiences often overpower the inherent healing and processing capacity of our brains, leading to memories feeling “stuck.” These unprocessed memories can contribute to ongoing emotional and psychological distress, impacting our current thoughts, emotions, and behaviors.

EMDR therapy utilizes bilateral stimulation techniques, which may involve eye movements, tapping, or auditory cues, to engage both hemispheres of the brain simultaneously. This dual stimulation mirrors the natural processing observed during rapid eye movement (REM) sleep, facilitating the brain's ability to reach and address previously unprocessed memories. Through this approach, EMDR therapy aims to promote healing for individuals struggling with the lingering effects of distressing experiences.

EMDR Therapy With Bloom Well Therapy

As an EMDR Trained Therapist, I Find it Important to Stay True to the Created Protocol and How it Was Intended to Help Individuals.

I recognize that everyone deals with trauma differently. My goal is to provide a safe and supportive space for you to process and integrate these experiences. 

EMDR also extends its therapeutic reach beyond trauma, offering valuable assistance for a range of mental health challenges or stressors. It can provide a pathway to not just relief but also resilience, empowering individuals on their journey to well-being.

Key Benefits of EMDR:

Memory Reprocessing:

EMDR targets distressing memories, helping you see them in a new, less distressing light.

Emotional Regulation:

Learn coping strategies to manage overwhelming emotions, building emotional resilience in the face of triggers.

Empowerment and Self-Discovery:

EMDR is a tool for self-discovery, helping you reclaim agency and move toward a future where trauma no longer defines you.

Areas of Focus Can Include:

  • Adult or Childhood Trauma

  • Perinatal Mental Health

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Phobias and Fears

  • Grief and Loss

  • Self-Esteem 

  • Medical Trauma

  • Relationship Issues

  • Stress Reduction 

  • Birth or Reproductive Trauma

Jessica Sorensen, LCSW, PMH-C California Therapist

Embark on a Healing Journey with EMDR Therapy, Where Past Traumas Turn into Opportunities for Growth and Resilience.

Reach out today to take the first step toward a future defined by strength, peace, and a renewed sense of self.

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